I knew I would buy it, of course.  I just didn’t necessarily know I would buy it today.  But I popped into Waterstone’s at lunchtime, and had a look at Margrave of the Marshes, John Peel’s autobiography.  It was posthumously completed by his wife, Sheila (once better known as “The Pig”, fact fans) and their (grown-up) kids.

Even reading the acknowledgements was curiously moving, listing as it did the likes of Billy Bragg, Andy Kershaw and Tom Robinson.  So I read the introduction, which was written by the four kids.  I found myself laughing and my eyes filling with tears just from those three or four pages.  So obviously I had to buy it.

I’m now thoroughly looking forward to tomorrow’s Home Truths, which is a special edition featuring Sheila.

I also seem to have bought Singularity Sky, but I’ve been meaning to get that for ages.