Category: wp-post
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Link: Screenwriting Tip Of The Day by William C. Martell - Romeo to Rambo
How good scripts get turned into bad movies: Screenwriting Tip Of The Day by William C. Martell - Romeo to Rambo
Link: How to Write a Story, by Robert Jackson Bennett
"The first step is waking up." Brilliant: How to Write a Story, by Robert Jackson Bennett
Link: "Long-standing party loyalties, even in a less tribal world, are not easily suspended"
"... But May 2010 offers a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reshape politics for the better. It must be seized."
Fascinating list of signatories to this letter in The Guardian: “Long-standing party loyalties, even in a less tribal world, are not easily suspended
Link: An Awesome Interpretation of Avatar
Brilliant analysis of what could have been "really" happening in Avatar. Don't read if you haven't seen the film.: An Awesome Interpretation of Avatar
Link: A Self-Referential Story
"Sentient sentences": an astonishing piece of work.: A Self-Referential Story
Link: Do I know where hell is? Hell is in "Hello"
God save us from crazy religious nutters.
The title is taken from ‘Wandrin’ Star', by the way.: Do I know where hell is? Hell is in “Hello”
Link: A report on The man who invented exercise
Amazing story. Hard to believe that the benefits of aerobic exercise were unknown as recently as the 1940s.: A report on The man who invented exercise