Five years ago I tweeted this:

Five fucking years. Back when the F-word national disgrace was just a bad joke.

Note that I’m deliberately avoiding using his name.

People in the UK should watch out for dodgy emails pretending to be from “TV Licensing”. I got one from an email of, telling me to “update your account” at

Mark as spam, delete. On no circumstances click the link or reply.

Not to make a political point from today’s black-hole news — I would never do a thing like that — but isn’t it great what humans can accomplish when we collaborate between nations?

Far better than, say, building walls between nations, or breaking international treaties.

Aw man. Ranking Roger has died. Only 56: too young.

The European Parliament’s outreach team (or “institutional, non-partisan communication action”) is encouraging us to sign up at This Time I’m Voting. I will be, as I always do — assuming, of course, that we in the UK are able to.

Ah, Carrot. You make checking the weather a joy.

The petition has crossed the three million mark.

Rafael Behr has a great piece in The Guardian about May being finished.

It even has a Hamilton reference.

About to head out to the school for our last ever parents’ evening.

And it’s over a million.

Parliamentary petitions, including “Revoke Article 50 and remain in the EU,” have a “Show on a map” feature. I note without comment that the second-most signatures of any London constituency are currently in Islington North. Its MP is one J Corbyn.