Category: photos
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How the Seasons Change

This was a test of the Sunlit iOS app, though it has long since been edited from that original version.
Once again Carrot Weather shows how it’s tuned in to the Zeitgeist.
I Never Thought I'd See the Day...
When Gmail launched several years ago offering a free gigantic storage plan of, I think, 1 gigabyte, it seemed impossible that anyone could ever fill that much space with email. Since then, of course, the free allowance has quietly grown and grown. So too has the volume of email, and the average size of individual emails.
Until today, when I see this:
99% of 15 GB. Whoops! Of course, seven years of using it as a repository for daily backups from WordPress will do that. (It’s not the most elegant of backup solutions, but it’s easy and it works.) I deleted everything before 2017 and now it’s down to 60%.
Carrot Weather is hooked into the news today.