How the Seasons Change

Two figures in winter clothes on a beach with low winter sun.
A beach in Norwich in the middle of February.
A snowy London Street.
A London Street at the end of February.
A bright blue sky with fluffy white clouds, through still-bare trees.
It’s looking a lot more springlike now, though


This was a test of the Sunlit iOS app, though it has long since been edited from that original version.

Once again Carrot Weather shows how it’s tuned in to the Zeitgeist.

Croydon looking colourful and futuristic, yesterday

I Never Thought I'd See the Day...

When Gmail launched several years ago offering a free gigantic storage plan of, I think, 1 gigabyte, it seemed impossible that anyone could ever fill that much space with email. Since then, of course, the free allowance has quietly grown and grown. So too has the volume of email, and the average size of individual emails.

Until today, when I see this:

Gmail showing 99% used of 15GB

99% of 15 GB. Whoops! Of course, seven years of using it as a repository for daily backups from WordPress will do that. (It’s not the most elegant of backup solutions, but it’s easy and it works.) I deleted everything before 2017 and now it’s down to 60%.

Look at that, I’ve crossed the line. I’m now above the NaNoWriMo average daily word count.

Screenshot of NaNoWriMo status page

The trees are afire in Clapton Square. (OK, with a little bit of help from Photos.)

Start at the top: Billy opens with ‘Sexuality’.

Carrot Weather is hooked into the news today.

Walthamstow Wetlands: London’s newest Park. Just opened.

Reread the originals first, or dive straight in…?