
    We’ve taken down the decorations, but we can’t put the Santas way until the cake is finished.

    Slightly less than half a Christmas cake, with marzipan and icing, and several small Santa Claus figures on top.

    Look at the picture at the bottom of this article. Trump seems to have started creating an army of cloned bald-headed men to build the wall for him!

    Luckily The Fall wrote a song about it years ago.

    When I was writing that last post I was confused because I couldn’t copy text from the article I was linking to.

    Clicking and moving my mouse across the text did nothing: there was no indication that I had selected anything. Similarly, double-clicking on a single word didn’t select it.

    Eventually I saved the article to Instapaper, and copied from there

    After initially posting it, I noticed that the URL contained the string “amphtml”. I removed the amphtml/, and the page worked normally.

    AMP is Google’s “accelerated mobile pages,” a way for them to control URLs instead of the owners controlling them. At least, that’s how it appeared at first. Clearly that can’t be the case for a page like this that’s purely at the Washington Post’s own site.

    But it’s a bloody annoying state of affairs, and makes for a very bad web citizen.

    Bing Me the Head of the Marketing Team

    I keep seeing these posters around town saying, “I’m a binger.” And I think, “What’s that, is it someone who uses Microsoft’s search engine? One who uses Bing?” It’s for a broadband provider — TalkTalk, I think — so it sounds plausible… just.

    Then I realise it’s “one who binges.” There’s no obvious way in written English to specify which of the two pronunciations you mean. You’d have to write “binge-er” or something. Not ideal.

    You’d have thought someone in the marketing team would have spotted the potential confusion and suggested taking a different tack. But then again, maybe they did, and they thought that the momentary confusion would draw people’s attention and make them notice the poster.

    Which clearly worked.

    I’ll try for something closer to daily in 2019,” he says, and then misses day 2. Oh well.

    Happy New Year, everyone. It could be a rough one, so look out for each other.

    I knew going In to the West End on the Saturday before Christmas was crazy. But first I couldn’t get on to the Piccadilly Line platform. And then, they’re queueing outside the Lego shop!

    (Actually things aren’t too crowded so far.)

    Today I learned that Nick Cave has a newsletter. I insta-subscribed, obviously, as you can do, and read the archive.

    When did Windows get a case-sensitive filesystem?

    This is more contempt of parliament.

    It’s bullshit. Delaying the vote is just a ploy to leave less time to organise a second referendum. May is finished anyway, and her reputation as worst PM ever is assured. She should just finish it.

    All the congratulations to NASA for another successful landing on Mars. Good to know humanity can still do great things.

    Did I hear right on https://www.nasa.gov/nasalive? The principal scientist for Mars Insight is Bruce Banner? Hope he stays clear of gamma rays. And doesn’t get angry.

    Installing Ubuntu on Windows 10 on a VM on a Mac. Because why not?

    I just read the phrase “staying under the rule of Brussels” in a foolish article. Instead it should read, “Continuing to contribute to the rule of Europe,” if you want it in terms of ruling. “Continuing to share in Europe’s future development,” to be more about cooperation.

    Leaves. (Despite that word, nothing to do with Brexit, for a change.)

    My resignation from Labour has had a bigger impact than I expected:

    In an email to Labour Party members this evening, Jeremy Corbyn confirmed that Labour will support the campaign for another public vote on Brexit if a general election is not possible

    Our Prime Minister is either lying or deranged. From The Guardian’s live updates:

    Labour’s Phil Wilson asks May if she can say, “hand on heart”, that this deal is better than what the UK has now.

    May says she firmly believes the UK’s best days are ahead.

    Or avoiding the issue: “best days ahead” could be looking ten, twenty years ahead. You know, when we rejoin the EU.

    Stan Lee: Marvel Comics co-creator dies aged 95 – BBC News

    He had a good run, I guess, and created some amazing things. I hope they’ve filmed his cameo for the next Avengers film.

    It’s nearly time…

    After my success last year, I’m doing NaNoWriMo again this year.

    I’ve been planning for the last few weeks, and as midnight approaches I’m ready to start on Delta Blues: Beat Poet of the Spaceways.

    Make of that title what you like. I know I will.

    Oh, yes, that will most certainly do. A very strong start for both Chris Chibnall and Jodie Whittaker. And, indeed the whole team.

    And a cliffhanger ending! What!?

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