Category: european union
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EU Citizens
It’s sad when even pro-European organisations get things wrong about us.
Last week I signed up for, and tweeted about, a programme designed to encourage people to vote in the EU parliamentary elections:
The European Parliament’s outreach team (or “institutional, non-partisan communication action”) is encouraging us to sign up at This Time I’m Voting. I will be, as I always do — assuming, of course, that we in the UK are able to.
— Martin McCallion (@devilgate) March 25, 2019
Today I got an email from “This Time I’m Voting,” containing the following text:
If you are one of the 3.5 million EU nationals still living here in the UK
Therefore, whether you are British or an EU citizen
Last time I looked there are around 67 million EU nationals living in the UK. At least until next week, and hopefully for a long time after that. I mean, that’s kind of the point of this whole struggle we’re having, isn’t it?
The fact that (some) people in the UK fail to identify as EU citizens is partly what has got us into this mess.