
    Hackney Sunset

    Sunset in Clapton, February 2013

    This is the sky at sunset in Hackney just the other day. Kind of remarkable, don’t you think? Click on the the picture for a bigger version on Flickr.

    Pulp Magazine Covers for All

    The [Pulp-O-Mizer](http://thrilling-tales.webomator.com/derange-o-lab/pulp-o-mizer/pulp-o-mizer.html) is a fun thing that lets you generate pulp-magazine-cover-style images, with your own text and good range of images, backgrounds, colours, etc. You can download web-size versions of your creations, or get them printed on cards, notebooks, mugs, etc, at [Zazzle](http://www.zazzle.com/); though I haven’t managed to work out how to get it to use the UK version of the Zazzle site while still keeping your generated image.

    Here’s one that I made using the title of a story of mine. It remains unpublished so far, but it was the short story that was the seed for the [novel I finished in November](http://devilgate.org/blog/2012/12/02/november-spawned-some-words-but-not-that-many/).

    Pulp O Mizer Cover Image

    Day Trip

    We had a wee day trip to Cambridge yesterday (Monday). Lovely city. I took some photographs. They're so small and unlinked because, I think, I'm experimenting with a plugin for Lightroom that uploads them directly to the blog. But I have a few wrinkles to iron out, I think. There are bigger versions of them [at my Flickr account](http://www.flickr.com/photos/devilgate/), if you're interested.

    First, some punters punting on the Cam:

    Then the famous King’s College Chapel.  More of a cathedral, really:

    This wee guy looks decidedly unhappy:

    There’s a pair of war memorials in a side chapel.  A famous name at position 2 of the WWI one:

    There’s plenty of stained glass, of course, but in another side chapel we see this interesting creature:

    Then on to Trinity College Chapel, where Isaac Newton stands in marble:

    Here’s a closeup of Newton.  I can’t work out what he’s holding:

    And above him there’s this rather attractive chandelier and dramatic ceiling:

    Strange Blog Behaviour

    For some reason WordPress decided to repost the two posts that currently appear immediately below this one. I have no idea why. They have in common that they are both of the “Link” format (“Format” here is a WordPress concept denoting types of post).

    The mildly annoying thing is that I haven’t posted here yet this year, and now I seem to have started the year with two reposts. I could, of course, delete them, but then the above paragraph would be wrong.

    Anyway, this is the true first post of the year, even if it was triggered by an aberration.

    Hello. Happy New Year.

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